Apex Law Service is a Simple Business Trust

(IRS EIN 85-0825600).  James F. Polk is the Trustee.


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Apex Law Service has 20+ People with Paralegal Training and Experience who can do the bulk of the work for which you market and for which you contract with Attorneys to do for the Public Clients you refer to them as a Business Operator.  We consult people along their path to starting a business of this type.  We have the expansion capacity to put together larger Paralegal Teams and work as Sub-Contractors for $100/hr if you need us to.  This is a brief explanation of how our business model fits within the American Bar Association Rules of Lawyer Use of Paralegal Services.  There is a link out to an official ABA Model Guideline Publication.

At Apex Law Service we follow the American Bar Association approved business model of being a Paralegal Group for hire to the Public at our hourly rate who connects the Public to their Attorneys and then does Paralegal work for the Attorneys. Our Public Clients pay us our Paralegal Retainer and also pay the Attorneys their Attorney Retainer. We do not collect the Attorney Retainer.  We do Criminal Defense contract paralegal work, and handle Civil Matters as contract paralegals for different attorneys to whom we can introduce you. 

Most of us have done both Civil Litigation and Criminal Defense for multiple Law Offices. We work for the Attorneys who our Clients hire who are also our Clients who have hired us to find them new Law Clients.  We do only paralegal work in our office, and we are instructed only by Attorneys.  You talk with your attorney about your legal issue, but first you come in and you hire us.  It doesn’t cost any money to do your initial intake.  This business model allows us to work for our Public Clients for less than a Law Firm would charge them for Paralegal Work while still providing the Client with Attorney Supervised and Reviewed Paralegal Work. At the same time we serve our Attorney Clients by taking the stress out of marketing and out of running a Law Office.

We save you money.  We charge only $150 per paralegal hour.  Different Law Firms charge all the way up to $280 per paralegal hour.  Our Attorney Clients don’t up charge on the money that we charge to do paralegal work.  Everybody who works at Apex has training from a Paralegal Training Program and has their Certificate of Completion from their Program and also has experience as a Paralegal.  A lot of us have worked at different places and I set up Apex so that I can pay our Paralegals more than they get paid at Law Firms so that they do top-notch work for you.  Billing is different if you hire one of our Client Attorneys on a Contingent Fee Basis.  Attorneys will pay Apex Law Service the $150 Paralegal Hour Rate in a Contingent Fee situation, and sometimes bill Apex Law Service out at a higher rate if Legal Costs are aimed at being awarded on top of Damages.  Contingent Fee Billing works on a Case by Case basis and you still benefit because the Attorney you choose saves a lot of headache by working with Apex and your Paralegals are higher quality and paid more than in a normal law office scenario.  It is always a Win/Win/Win with Apex Law Service.

Apex Law Service is setup so that you get charged less money for paralegal work, and I set it up so that Attorneys have less headache and don’t have to worry about running an office or marketing.  If you are an Attorney with work you need done, or you are another Paralegal Business, we Sub-Contract for $100/hr.  Click Here if you simply want to refer business to us as a Marketing Partner.  We pay a $100 Marketing Fee per Viable Case.  We also work our hardest to convince the Attorney who takes the case to pay you a small $100-$200 marketing fee also, but this is not always guaranteed.  A Viable Case means a person who hires Apex Law Service and then also pays us our initial retainer.  This is a marketing fee only and not based on the amount of fees charged.  If a Client hires one of our Attorney Clients on a Contingent Fee Basis, the Attorney will pay you the entire Marketing Fee.  If you are a Paralegal who wants to work for us and who brings Clients in the door, we can pay an additional $10/hour.

Fill out my online contact form.

Contact James F. Polk, Trustee of Apex Law Service using the methods below

| 657-234-2232 | 760-705-9033[email protected] |

or simply fill out the contact form above to be contacted back within 24-48 hours.

DISCLAIMER: Apex Law Service does Paralegal Work for Attorneys. We at Apex Law Service itself are not attorneys. The information presented on our web site is general, factual, published information obtained from court provided self-help legal publications, legal statutes or other sources believed to be accurate and reliable. This information should not be considered legal advice as it is general in nature. It is always recommended to seek legal advice from an attorney before filing legal proceedings. Many attorneys offer free consultations.

– We can introduce you to one of our Attorney Clients and if you hire them directly, they have agreed to subcontract to Apex Law Service to do the paralegal work at a more affordable rate than most Law Offices. You can also simply use us to do research along with the P.I. or attorney for whom we are doing work.

– Apex Law Service is not a Law Firm and only does Paralegal Work for their Attorney Clients only. That having been said, contact us first for help hiring an Attorney.  You must hire one of our Attorney Clients to be your Attorney so they can represent you, advise you and have Apex Law Service do Paralegal Work for them.